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TitleShort DescriptionEHS ProgramContact
Billboard Biosafety Lab Acquired IllnessThis posting is specifically formatted to easily add to your Digital Sign Manager (e.g., Billboard) on campus. Recommended in locations where safety in teaching, research, and clinical laboratory is promoted. ear buds
headphones, phone, player, contamination, tablet, laptop, key,
pen, pencil, notebook, backpack, hand washing
Biosafety In Teaching LaboratoriesMemo outlining new guidance for handling live microorganisms in the teaching laboratoryBiosafety919-515-6858
Chemical Safety GuideAll personnel who handle and maybe exposed to chemical in a non-laboratory setting need to review the Chemical Safety Guide.Lab Safety919-513-1282
Construction Guidelines: Laboratory Design guidelines for chemical/fume hoods and other local exhaust ventilation equipmentLab Safety919-513-1282
Cryovial SafetyLaboratory personnel must use extreme caution when preserving samples in liquid nitrogen (LN2).
Liquid nitrogen can leak into vials, which may result in the vial exploding/spraying its contents when the vial
warms and the liquid nitrogen expands from the liquid to gas phase.
Lab Safety919-515-6860
Field Laboratory Safety ProtocolHow to adapt to specific hazards that exist in outdoor field laboratoriesLab Safety Occupational Safety
Occupational Health
Hazardous Materials shippingInformation for the shipping and transportation of hazardous materialsLaboratory Safety919-515-3695
Hazards ReviewReview of hazardous processes and work activities to minimize riskLab Safety
Inspecting University FacilitiesGeneral guidance on facility safety inspectionsLab Safety919-513-1282
Lab Coat Cleaning And DisposalLab coats (and other protective clothing) worn as PPE should not be removed from the laboratory. This document goes over lab coat laundry services and alternatives, end-of-use decontamination and disposal, and lastly covers disposable lab coats Lab Safety919-513-1282
Lab Coat Selection GuidelinesHow to properly select the lab coat for your laboratory hazardsLab Safety919-513-1282
Laboratory Biosafety ManualCommon practices related to working with biological materials at NC State University in teaching, research, and diagnostic laboratories. Biosafety919-515-6858
BSL-2 ChecklistChecklist for starting up a BSL-2 laboratory at NC StateBiosafety919-515-6858
Laboratory Emergency PreparednessEmergency planning and emergency checklist for unplanned or spontaneous events.Emergency Response919-515-6655
Laboratory Management PlanManagement of unwanted materials (waste) in a laboratoryEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Laboratory Relocation (Move-Out/Move-In/Startup) Procedure and ChecklistsMoving and/or starting up procedures for laboratoriesLab Safety919-513-1282
Laboratory Relocation - Move- Out / Move-in/ Startup Procedures and ChecklistsLaboratory Relocation - Move- Out / Move-in/ Startup
Procedures and Checklists
Lab Safety919-515-6860
Laboratory Relocation Guidance and Start-up Checklistforms can be used to open a new lab, close or move your existing laboratory space on campusLab Safety919-515-6860
Minors As Volunteer Workers Involved In Field, Laboratory, or Teaching ActivitiesFor persons under 18 years of age this document contains the release of lability and waiver claim, and outlines the proper training requirements Administration919-515-6860
Notice Of Changes: To NC State Laboratory Biosafety ManualMemo outlining changes to the NC State Laboratory Biosafety ManualBiosafety919-515-6858
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) How, when, and what type of PPE to use in other than laboratory areas.Occupational Health, Occupational Safety919-515-6862
Personal Protective Equipment Requirements for laboratoriesPPE requirements specifically for laboratory use only. Lab Safety919-515-6860
PPE Hazard Assessment form - Non laboratoryRequired form for determining PPE in non laboratory settingsOccupational Safety919-513-0988
Preliminary Assessment Tool for Hazards (PATH)Preliminary Assessment Tool for Hazards (PATH)Lab safety919-513-1282
Radioactive Waste Management Procedures for disposing radioactive waste in the laboratoryEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Recommended Chemical Hood Use ProcedureHow to safely use a chemical hood in a laboratory settingLab Safety919-513-1282
Requirements For Startup Of New Facilities (Laboratory Occupancy Checklist)Key steps to be followed for the occupancy of renovated spaces or new buildingsLab Safety919-513-1282
RS-1/RS-2: Instruction For The Completion of RS-2/ Application For Non-Human Use of Radioactive MaterialThis form is for researchers desiring to use radioactive materials in a laboratory settingRadiation Safety919-515-2894
RS-9: Laboratory Contamination Survey RecordThis form may be used for monthly contamination surveys in the laboratoryRadiation Safety919-515-2894
Safety Data SheetsThis informational resource, formerly known as “Material Safety Data Sheets” are available in an easily reviewable, electronic, downloadable format from NC State University’s primary SDS site.Lab Safety919-513-1282
Safety Related Items Needing Review or ApprovalSafety Related Items Needing Review or ApprovalLab Safety919-515-6860
Secondary Safety ContactIn a new approach aimed to assist labs/other spaces to improve health and safety conditionsLab Safety919-515-3695
Skin Protection in Laboratories Yes/No form for analyzing skin protection needs in a laboratoryLab Safety919-515-1282
Startup Of New Facilities (Laboratory Occupancy Checklist)Key steps to be followed for the occupancy of renovated spaces or new buildingsLab Safety919-513-1282
Vacuum pump safety Mechanical vacuum pumps used in laboratories pose many hazards.Lab Safety919-513-1422
Volunteer Workers Involved In Field, Laboratory, or Teaching ActivitiesContains the release of lability and waiver claim, and outlines the proper training requirements Lab safety919-515-6860
Volunteer Workers involved in Field, Laboratory, or Teaching ActivitiesUniversity volunteers include, but are not limited to Visiting Scholars and other individualsLab safety919-515-6860
Working AloneGuidelines to follow when working alone in a laboratory or workspaceAdministrative919-515-2895
Biological Spill Kit ContentsEHS requires maintaining and training all biological laboratory staff on use of a designated spill KitBiosafety919-515-6858