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TitleShort DescriptionEHS ProgramContact
Animal Cage Washing and Room Cleaning Guidelines For PPE and BiosafetyCage washing guidelines to help assure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for PPE and the University's biosafety protocolsBiosafety Occupationa Health919-515-6858
Autoclave Performance Verification Log for Biohazard WasteAutoclave Performance Verification Log for Biohazard WasteBiosafety919-515-6858
Biological wasteBiowaste is biological material generated from research, diagnostic, and/or teaching activities during manipulation or clean-up, regardless of its potential to infect humans, plants or animals.Biosafety919-515-6858
Biowaste Disposal ChartVisual guide on biowaste disposing for solids, liquids, sharps, and whole animals/plantsEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Biowaste RequirementsRequirements for disposal of biowaste generated in research, clinical, or teaching activities.Biosafety919-515-6858
Chemical Waste Pickup ScheduleWeekly pickup schedule of chemical waste for all campus locations and special projectsEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Chemical Waste Quick Facts Policies on generating and storage of chemical wasteEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Confidential Medical Evaluation and Workplace Exposure QuestionnaireConfidential Medical Evaluation and Workplace Exposure QuestionnaireOccupational Safety919-515-6862
Contractors Waste Management FormContractor€™s Waste Management FormForm used to track waste materials generatedEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Energized Electrical Work PolicyEnergized Electrical Work PolicyOccupational Safety919-515-0988
Ergonomic Workstation GuidelinesGuidelines for proper set up on officer workstationsOccupational Safety919-513-0988
Fluorescent Lamps/Bulb Fact SheetEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Guidelines for sink disposal of chemical substancesSink Disposal of Chemical Substances.Environmental Affairs919-515-6859
Guidelines for Travel Away From WorkplaceChecklist for preplanning, traveling, on site, and post event travel away from normal location of operationsAdministrative919-515-6655
Hazardous Material Transportation General Security AwarenessHow to create a security plan when shipping hazardous materials (biological, chemical, and radioactive)Emergency Response919-515-3695
Hazardous Waste Management PlanThis document provides the Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP) for North Carolina State UniversityEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Laboratory Management PlanManagement of unwanted materials (waste) in a laboratoryEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Radioactive Waste Management Procedures for disposing radioactive waste in the laboratoryEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Use of Fuel Gases for Welding and CuttingResource for 29 CFR 1910.253 and OSHA requirementsLab Safety919-515-1282
Weekly Inspection LogWaste - Weekly Inspection LogWEEKLY INSPECTION LOG
Environmental Affairs919-515-6859
Waste management planEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Designer Waste Information FormWaste type formEnvironmental Affairs919-515-6859
Weather UpdatesWeather updates and information for Weather Stem station at NC StateAdministrative919-515-2895
Wi-Fi SafetyWi-Fi systems emit high-frequency, electromagnetic radiation during data transfer [normally 2.4 gigahertz (GHz)
or 5 GHz]. For many years, the potential for adverse health effects associated with working or living near this
equipment has been a topic of scientific study.
Radiation Safety919-515-2894
WolfAlert VideoWolfAlert Video describes the operation of the wolfalert systemadministrative919-515-2895
Working AloneGuidelines to follow when working alone in a laboratory or workspaceAdministrative919-515-2895
NCSU Surplus GuidelineNCSU Surplus Guidelines - Procedures for the Proper Disposition of
Equipment and Materials Through

NCSU Surplus
Environmental Affairs919-515-6859
Welding SafetyEnvironmental Health and Safety must evaluate all welding processes to protect welders, including staff and students, bystanders, and property.Occupational Safety919-515-6862