Employee Specific Task Training

Name of Team / PI / Laboratory
Lisa Castellano
Contact information
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Lisa Castellano lascastel@ncsu.edu 9195153423
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  • Employee Specific Task Training
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The training process in the laboratory can best be described as performance based. Each piece of instrumentation that students are allowed to operate is covered by a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). All SOPs are controlled (physical) copies that can only be accessed in the laboratory and can not be removed from the laboratory. The SOP covers start up, running of samples, and shut down of instrumentation. The purpose of having a SOP for equipment is to ensure that instrumentation is operated properly and consistently by each user. This helps eliminate instrument misuse.

The training protocol requires that users first read the SOP. Once this step is completed, three training sessions are scheduled. During Training Session 1, the background of the technique is discussed and proper operation from startup to shut down is demonstrated. Additionally, system requirements such as gas supplies, reagent preparation, calibration curve preparation, and Quality Control/Quality Assurance Standard selection and preparation are discussed. The purpose of this discussion is not only to ensure proper instrument operation but to ensure that the resultant data is of good quality.

During Training Sessions 2 and 3, the user operates the instrumentation, prepares standards, verifies gas supply location/level and prepares reagents. The user is required to answer questions regarding instrument theory, system requirements, calibration curve preparation specific to the project, and quality control sample selection/preparation.

At the conclusion of Training Session 3, performance is evaluated. If performance is acceptable, the user is allowed to operate the instrumentation on their own. If performance is not acceptable, additional training sessions are conducted until performance is acceptable.