Campus door signs are required for every Safety Plan on campus and are important communication tools should an issue arise in your lab or building.  For this reason, the most current and complete information is needed for timely communications.

Important Announcement regarding lab door signs:

Effective November 8, 2022, EHS introduces a new online tool on EHSA so that Principal Investigators can create and print their own door signs for posting.  This process replaces the former procedure of requesting a door sign online through EHS and eliminates the associated delays.

Please remember that although you may use only one doorway to enter your lab or room, all public entrances to that space must have a door sign. A public entrance is one that can be accessed from a hallway in the building or directly from the exterior of the building.

EHSA Door Sign Application Instructions 

If you have any questions concerning your lab’s door sign, please email Research Safety or call (919- 513-1282).