Chemical Spill
- Call 911
- Evacuate the area if necessary (use a fire alarm to evacuate the building if required)
If an evacuation is not necessary and you are trained on cleaning the material
- Consult the SDS
- Wear all appropriate PPE
- Clean the materials in accordance with best practices and laboratory SOP
- Avoid any drains
- Properly dispose of all waste materials
Oil/Illicit Discharge
In the event of an oil release or illicit discharge to the sanitary or storm sewer, the SPCC measures are in place to prevent oil discharges into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines of the US. Report all releases or illicit discharges and contact Environmental Affairs the appropriate parties for reporting.
Building Evacuation due to Chemical Spill
The fire alarm should be pulled and 911 called from a safe phone for additional assistance, for any of the following:
- Uncontained release of hazardous gas
- Uncontained spill of hazardous liquids
- Visible smoke, heavy odor of smoke or evidence of fire
When the fire alarm sounds:
- Evacuate the building via the nearest exit
- Go to the predetermined meeting area for your building
- Await further instructions