Protecting the Environment

Name of Team / PI / Laboratory
Scott Jennings
Contact information
Contact Name Contact email Contact phone
Scott Jennings (919) 515-9884
Select the categorie(s) which best describes this “Best Practice” or “action”
  • Protecting the Environment – Drain Disposal and Spill Retention
Please include the “Best Practice / Kudo” you wish to share!
Scott recently took over management of the Motor Pool’s Stormwater Permit (NPDES permit) and has made significant improvements in program documentation required for permit compliance. His attention to detail and commitment to the program was recently highlighted during an audit by the City of Raleigh; no significant recordkeeping deficiencies were noted during the audit. Scott deserves Kudos not only for the improvements he has made to the program but also for his commitment to protecting the environment by embracing stormwater program requirements.