This program applies to all NC State employees who may operate or ride in a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) or who supervise MEWP operators or occupants.
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This program does not apply to the use of mast climbing work platforms, digger derricks, suspension scaffolds, rope descent or rope access systems, recreational or sport climbing systems, or any type of stationary scaffolds. It also does not include elevators, escalators, lifts designed for use by mobility-impaired persons such as chair lifts, or stage or orchestra lifts used in performing arts.



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Definitions – View or download MEWP Definitions



  • Department/Units that own/rent/operate MEWPs.
    • Ensures that only authorized and trained staff use or ride in MEWPs
    • Ensures that employees comply with the requirements of this program
    • Designates the Qualified Person for each use of an MEWP by their employees
    • Maintains training documentation
    • Ensures that contractors, vendors, or visitors affirm compliance with MEWP requirements by responding “yes” to all questions and by signing the Mandatory “MEWPs Contractor/Vendor/Visitor Use of NC State Equipment Appendix.
  • Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
  • Supervisors – MEWP operations
    • The supervisor will serve as the qualified person A supervisor may designate an individual as a qualified person with responsibility and authority described below.
    • The supervisor oversees each use of an MEWP by his or her employees.
    • Minimum training for supervisors includes successful completion of the following:
    • The supervisor will ensure each employee authorized to operate the MEWP is physically and mentally capable to safely operate.
    • The supervisor will ensure employees receive training appropriate to their assigned tasks.
    • The supervisor will ensure employees comply with the provisions of this procedure and take prompt corrective actions when uncontrolled hazardous situations (practices or conditions) are observed.
  • Operators – Employees assigned to operate MEWPs
    • Attend training as required by this procedure and follow the required work practices covered in the training
    • Conduct a walk-around inspection before operating a lift
    • Understand how to recognize and avoid hazards above, below, and beside the MEWP
    • Recognize and promptly report uncontrolled hazardous situations (practices or conditions).
    • Familiarize themselves with the controls of the MEWP by:
      • Reading the operator’s manual
      • Understanding how the MEWP functions and moves
      • Understanding the limitations of the MEWP
      • Receives familiarization training and instruction from the rental agency for rented MEWPs
    • Assist in the development of, and familiarize themselves with, the MEWP risk assessment, safe use plan, and rescue plan.
    • Participate in regular evaluation by the qualified person
    • The operator is responsible for the safety of any occupant in the lift and for ensuring the occupant is familiar with the requirements of MEWP use and the safe use plan. The operator shall ensure occupants comply with the requirements.
  • Qualified Persons – The Qualified Person is the supervisor or a person designated by the manager or supervisor. The qualified person:
    • Conducts a risk assessment of each job or task.
    • Ensures the area where an MEWP is going to be used is inspected before use.
    • Recognizes hazards to MEWP operation and understands hazard avoidance. Ensures the Operator is aware of hazards in the area and how to avoid them.
    • Selects the appropriate MEWP for the task
    • Develops a Safe Work Plan and Rescue Plan, and reviews them with the operator
    • Ensures operator, supervisor, and occupant competencies for each task.
    • Conducts frequent and annual inspections on any MEWP she or he is qualified to inspect.
    • Supervises operations
    • Monitors and evaluates operators regularly, at least semi-annually, or during each use if operated less frequently.
    • Confirms maintenance technicians are trained to inspect and service the MEWP according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Authorizes each use of an MEWP.
    • Before use, inspects and authorizes the use of rented or purchased MEWPs and MEWPs that have been out of service for 3 months or longer
    • For contractor, vendor, or visitor use of any NC State owned MEWP, the qualified person shall:

Types of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs)

MEWPs are machines and devices that are intended for moving persons, tools, and materials as specified by the equipment manufacturer. MEWPs consist of at least a work platform with controls, an extending structure, and a chassis. The following represent typical types of MEWPs used at NC State:

  • Self Propelled
    • Telescoping Boom
    • Articulating Boom
    • Driveable Vertical Mast Lift
    • Vehicle Mounted Aerial Work Platform
    • Self-Propelled Mobile Scaffold or Scissor Lift
  • Trailer Mounted
  • Track Mounted
  • Manually Propelled, including mobile scaffolds and Scissor Lifts

Refer to the Types of MEWPs Appendix for examples of MEWPs.

General Requirements and Procedures – Equipment Specifications, Inspections, Maintenance, and Testing

  • Inspection, Maintenance, and Testing
    • Each MEWP must be inspected, maintained, repaired, and kept in proper working condition following the manufacturer’s operating or maintenance and repair manual or manuals.
    • Maintenance inspections shall be completed at intervals required by the manufacturer and no less frequently than annually.
    • A record shall be maintained on the lift specifying the date of the last annual and frequent inspections and the date the next annual inspection is due.
    • Before accepting delivery of an MEWP for sale, lease, rental, or any form of use, the qualified person shall ensure the MEWP is inspected, repaired, and adjusted following the manufacturer’s specifications. Use the MEWP Frequent/Annual Inspection Checklist Sample Template Appendix or equivalent, such as the manufacturer’s inspection checklist.
    • Any time an aerial platform lift has not been used for 3 months or more, an inspection must be performed by a qualified person before operation. Use the MEWP Frequent/Annual Inspection Checklist Sample Template Appendix or equivalent such as the manufacturer’s inspection checklist.
    • Before each shift an MEWP is used, visual equipment inspections and a functional check must be performed using the MEWP Pre-Use Inspection Checklist Appendix, or the equivalent, such as the manufacturer’s inspection checklist, following the manufacturer’s operating manual.
    • Any MEWP found not to be in a safe operating condition must be removed from service and tagged or labeled as such until repaired. All repairs must be made by an authorized person trained under the manufacturer’s operating or maintenance and repair manual(s).
    • If the MEWP is rated and used as an insulated MEWP, the electrical insulating components must be tested for compliance with the rating of the MEWP under the latest ANSI standard A92.2. Testing may not be less frequent than annually. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Operating Requirements and Procedures

  • General Requirements for All MEWP Use
    • The MEWP must be used only following the manufacturer’s operating instructions and safety rules.
    • Operators shall not use contractor MEWPs.
    • Contractors, vendors, and visitors, should not be allowed to use MEWPs owned or managed by NC State with the following exception. Before operating an MEWP owned or managed by NC State, contractors, vendors, or visitors shall affirm compliance with MEWP requirements with “yes” responses and shall sign the Mandatory Affirmation Appendix form: MEWPs Contractor/Vendor/Visitor Use of NC State Equipment Appendix-Mandatory.
    • Before use, the qualified person and the operator, at least two persons, must conduct a pre-work risk assessment, including identifying and evaluating hazards and establishing effective control measures. Uncontrolled hazardous situations must be corrected before the initial or continued use of the MEWP.
    • At least two persons trained as operators on the specific type of MEWP being used shall set up the MEWP and prepare it for use.
    • At least one ground person trained as an operator shall be available for each use of an MEWP.
    • Employees must always stand firmly on the floor of the MEWP, and not sit or climb on guardrails, or use planks, ladders, or other devices for a work position. The platform’s guardrail system must not be used to support materials, other work platforms, or employees.
    • A personal fall arrest or restraint system shall be used according to the manufacturer’s requirements. A mobile scaffold or scissor lift with approved guardrails may be used without a personal fall arrest system when such use is permitted by the manufacturer. However, if there is a designated anchor point, the use of a fall arrest or restraint system is required.
    • The designed rated capacity for a given angle of elevation must not be exceeded.
    • At least 10 ft distance must be maintained away from overhead power lines with a nominal voltage of 50kV or less; 20 ft for power lines over 50kV (or if the voltage is unknown). Note: qualified workers using appropriately insulated MEWPs may approach closer than 10 ft when following provisions specified in OSHA 1910.268, 1910.269, or 1926 Subpart V, as applicable.
    • The manufacturer’s rated load capacity must not be exceeded, including when loads are transferred to the platform at elevated heights. The load weight shall be distributed on the platform according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
    • Only employees, their tools, and necessary materials are permitted on or in the platform.
    • Only MEWPs with manufacturer installed platform controls for horizontal movement may be moved while in the elevated position. The MEWP must be designed for this application.
    • Fuel gas cylinders, including hand-held propane cylinders, shall not be carried on bucket platforms that would allow the accumulation of gases.
    • Altering, modifying, or disabling safety devices or interlocks is prohibited.
  • MEWP Movement and Platform Elevation
    • Before and during driving, MEWP operators must look in the direction of travel, keep a clear view of the path of travel, and make sure that the path is firm and level. Operators shall actively look for and avoid hazards to safe travel (for example: pedestrians, vehicles, debris, drop-offs, holes, depressions, ramps, overhead obstructions, overhead electrical lines, etc).
    • A spotter is required when an MEWP is driven in pedestrian traffic areas, where there is vehicle traffic, including other MEWPs or industrial vehicles, or when ground conditions are poor, uneven, or potentially unstable. The spotter will assess ground conditions, clearances, and ensure pedestrians and other mobile equipment are clear of the path of travel.
    • Outriggers or stabilizers, when provided, are to be used following the manufacturer’s instructions. Brakes must be set and outriggers and stabilizers must be positioned on pads or a solid surface. Outrigger pads must be appropriately sized and made of material consistent with manufacturer requirements.
    • A vehicle-mounted MEWP must have its brakes set and wheels chocked before elevating the platform.
    • MEWPs must be elevated only when on a firm and level surface or within the slope limits allowed by the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Platform gates must be closed while the platform is in an elevated position.
    • Stunt driving and horseplay are prohibited.
    • Care must be taken by the operator to prevent ropes, cords, and hoses from becoming entangled in the MEWP.
    • Operators must ensure that the area surrounding the MEWP is clear of personnel and equipment before lowering the platform.
    • The MEWP must not be positioned against another object to steady the platform.
    • The MEWP must not be operated from a position outside of the platform except when using the ground controls.
    • The boom and platform of the MEWP must not be used to move or jack the wheels off the ground unless the machine is designed for that purpose by the manufacturer.
    • Weather conditions such as wind and lightning must be evaluated before raising the boom or platform. The manufacturer’s recommendations for use in windy conditions must be followed.
  • Exiting an Elevated Work Platform is only authorized when permitted by the manufacturer and only when following the guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, the following apply:
    • The MEWP must be designed for exiting while elevated.
    • Only one person can exit the platform at any time;
    • Operators must always maintain 100% securement (tie-off) to an approved anchorage or anchorage system;
    • No platform controls may be operated when the person is out of the lift and still connected to the lift;
    • A qualified person shall continuously guard the ground controls to prevent other personnel from operating the MEWP;
    • Uncontrolled or inadvertent movement of the boom or lift and external structure due to factors such as wind load, structure sway, etc. must be taken into consideration;
    • The platform must be located within one foot of the structure;
    • The platform entry must be aligned with the pathway to the adjacent structure to eliminate pinch and crush points during transfer;
    • The position of the platform is such that the operator does not have to jump down from or up to the platform;
    • The operator exits or enters only through the gate, never over or through the guardrails;
    • The surface being stepped onto is safe, stable, and clear of debris to avoid slip, trip, or any other hazards;
    • No part of the lift or boom shall contact or rest upon any structure.
  • Mobile Scaffolds shall:
    • Be braced by cross braces, horizontal braces, or diagonal braces, or a combination thereof, to prevent racking or collapse of the scaffold. vertical members shall be secured together laterally to automatically square and align the vertical members. Scaffolds shall be plumb, level, and square. All brace connections shall be secured.
    • When constructed of tube and coupler or fabricated frame components comply with 29CFR1926.452(b) and (c), and with manufacturer’s requirements
    • Have scaffold casters and wheels locked with positive wheel and/or wheel and swivel locks, or equivalent means, to prevent movement of the scaffold while the scaffold is used in a stationary manner.
    • Have manual force used to move the scaffold applied as close to the base as practicable, but not more than 5 feet (1.5 m) above the supporting surface.
    • Power systems used to propel mobile scaffolds shall be designed for such use. Forklifts, trucks, similar motor vehicles, or add-on motors shall not be used to propel scaffolds unless the scaffold is designed for such propulsion systems.
    • Be stabilized to prevent tipping during movement
    • Not allow riders unless the following conditions exist:
      • The surface on which the scaffold is being moved is within 3 degrees of level, and free of pits, holes, and obstructions
      • The height to base width ratio of the scaffold during movement is two to one or less unless the scaffold is designed and constructed to meet or exceed nationally recognized stability test requirements such as those listed in paragraph 2(w) of appendix A to 29CFR1926, Subpart L
      • Outrigger frames, when used, are installed on both sides of the scaffold
      • When power systems are used, the propelling force is applied directly to the wheels and does not produce a speed above 1 foot per second (0.3 meters per second); and
      • No employee is on any part of the scaffold which extends outward beyond the wheels, casters, or other supports.
    • Not extend outward beyond the base supports of the scaffold unless outrigger frames or equivalent devices are used to ensure stability.
    • Use screw jacks or equivalent means where leveling of the scaffold is necessary.
    • Have caster stems and wheel stems pinned or otherwise secured in scaffold legs or adjustment screws.
    • Not be moved until each employee on the scaffold has been made aware of the planned movement.

Risk Assessment

  • Complete a risk assessment before using an MEWP. Refer to the MEWP Work Area Risk Assessment Appendix as a guide.
  • Correct any unsafe conditions identified in the job site inspection.
  • Before and during driving, the MEWP operator must keep a clear view of the path of travel, and make sure the path is firm and level. Avoid pedestrians, vehicles, debris, drop-offs, holes, depressions, ramps, overhead obstructions, overhead electrical lines, and other hazards to safe travel.
  • Evaluate weather conditions such as wind and lightning before raising the boom or platform. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use in windy conditions.
    • Effect of Wind Forces on MEWPs – MEWPs shall not operate in wind speed conditions beyond the maximum allowed by the manufacturer. No modifications or additions to the MEWP that affect its wind loading and consequently its stability shall be made without the manufacturer’s written approval in advance.
    • Effect of Wind on Equipment in the Work Platform – Care shall be taken when handling building materials, sheet materials, panels, and other such materials which can act as sails.
    • Local Wind Effects – The shielding and funneling effects of buildings and structures can cause high wind speeds and turbulence on days when the wind speed in open areas is low. Consider other sources of local high winds, including nearby airports and along roadways.
    • Use in Thunderstorms – MEWPs shall not be used outdoors in a thunderstorm. MEWPs can be used inside of a building where the MEWP and operator are not subject to a lightning strike.
  • Ground Condition Considerations
    • Where potential hazards created by ground conditions are identified in the Risk Assessment, the safe use plan shall specify methods of avoidance, hazard controls, and other mitigations to maintain safe operations. Operators shall comply with the instructions and notify their supervisor if additional potential hazards are identified during their workplace inspections and avoid the risk until the safe use plan is modified to address the potential hazards.
    • The stability and safety of MEWPs are affected by poor ground conditions which can lead to the machine becoming out of level and unstable. The qualified person shall ensure that the area where the MEWP is going to be used is inspected before operation and shall ensure compliance with all warnings and instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Inadequate Outrigger Foundations
    • Some soil types such as moist soils, soils previously disturbed, or soils which have not been compacted, as well as some improved surfaces (paved, concrete, compacted, etc.), are not capable of supporting the pressures of outrigger pads. In such cases, the QP shall determine and ensure that a stable foundation or spreader pad is installed to reduce the ground pressure to an acceptable level. Spreader pads shall have enough size, stiffness, and strength to spread the load over the required area.
    • The locations of sub-surface voids such as cellars, basements, culverts, tanks, and pipes shall be taken into consideration when determining the adequate strength required to support the MEWP in its operating configuration.
  • MEWPs can create sparks that could ignite vapors, fibers, or dust that may be present.

Safe Use Plan

  • The Qualified Person shall ensure an MEWP risk assessment is completed and a Safe Use Plan created. Refer to the MEWP Rescue Plan Guidance & Instructions Appendix and the MEWP Safe Use & Rescue Plan Template Appendix. Following are guidelines for completion:
    • Identify the job, location, and time frame. Include a description;
    • Ensure the operator is familiar with local site requirements and has the means to avoid or control identified hazards in the areas where the MEWP will be operated
    • Select an appropriate MEWP based on the following factors:
      • Rated capacities;
      • Working heights and reaches required for the job for the task;
      • Constraints of the worksite;
      • Assessment that the support surface is adequate to support the weight of the MEWP;
      • Ground conditions;
      • Site access, preparation, and maintenance, and proximity to the public or other workers or other operations or equipment;
      • Completed MEWP maintenance, repairs, and inspection(s);
    • Ensure only trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate or occupy the MEWP
    • Ensure familiarization of the authorized MEWP operator(s) with the specific MEWP to be used
    • Ensure trained and qualified supervisor(s) monitor the performance of the work of the operator
    • Prevent unauthorized use of the MEWP
    • Assess the risks associated with the task (See MEWP Work Area Risk Assessment Appendix)
      • Identify risks related to using the MEWP or other equipment, and any hazardous materials.
      • Risks that might be associated with the location where the work is to be carried out, the nature of the MEWP use, or the personnel, materials, and equipment to be carried.
      • Identify risks to persons not involved in the operation of the MEWP
      • Identify fire safety risks and include fire prevention planning
        • Ensure the lift is suitable for the location atmospheric Hazard Classification (NFPA 70, NFPA 505)
        • Ensure MEWP is kept clean and reasonably free of lint, excess oil, and grease. Clean only with non-combustible agents.
        • Follow the manufacturer’s safe handling instructions for refueling and battery charging. Ensure proper ventilation is provided. Stop and cool the engine before refueling.
    • Identify control measures. Once the hazards and risks involved in the task have been identified, the procedures and measures required to control them shall be identified and implemented, including any contingencies required.
    • Ensure the safe use plan is properly documented using the MEWP Safe Use & Rescue Plan Template Appendix, or equivalent.
    • Ensure the operator is trained on the safe use plan.

Rescue Plan Guidance

The Qualified Person shall refer to the MEWP Rescue Plan Guidance & Instructions Appendix when developing the Rescue Plan. Use the MEWP Safe Use & Rescue Plan Template Appendix, or equivalent, to document the plan. The platform and ground-level operators and occupant shall be trained and familiar with the Rescue Plan. Appropriate equipment and resources must be provided and available during operation.

Training and Authorization

  • General Training Requirements: All training shall be delivered by a qualified person experienced with the specific class of MEWP.
  • Part 1 Training Requirements for Supervisors, Qualified Persons, & Operators –
    MEWP Theory & General Hazard Awareness Training (classroom or online) shall include:

    • The selection of appropriate MEWPs
    • The purpose and use of operation manuals, placards and decals, and safety rules; including instruction that operation manuals are an integral part of the MEWP and need to be stored properly in the weather-resistant compartment on the MEWP when not in use;
    • Validation that annual inspection is current is posted or placarded on the MEWP;
    • Knowledge of how to perform a pre‐start inspection;
    • Responsibilities associated with problems or malfunctions affecting the operation of the MEWP;
    • Knowing and understanding factors affecting stability;
    • Recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with MEWP operation;
    • Knowing and understanding workplace inspections where an MEWP will be used, and that they must be performed and documented before each use;
    • Knowing and understanding wind hazards and weather conditions;
    • Thorough understanding of the intended purpose and function of the MEWP controls, including platform, ground, and emergency descent controls;
    • General knowledge of various MEWPs, including terminology, components, features, and devices including physical characteristics and other machine options, and other elements specified by the MEWP manufacturer;
    • Development of the job or task hazard assessment, work area risk assessment, safe use plan, and rescue plan;
    • Applicable regulations, standards, and safety rules;
    • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate to the task, worksite, and environment and those required by the manufacturer;
    • Safe traveling practices;
    • Issues associated with transport (if appropriate);
    • Understanding that authorization by the Qualified Person is required to operate the MEWP;
    • Understanding that securing the MEWP from unauthorized use is required;
    • The requirement for familiarization in addition to training;
    • Understanding of hazardous location(s) (flammable or explosive atmospheres);
    • Warnings and instructions, labels, placards, and manufacturer’s warnings and instructions
    • Familiarity with the requirements of operators;
    • The dangers associated with high-pressure systems;
    • Other subjects required by the MEWP manufacturer.
  • Part 2 Training Requirements for Qualified Persons, & Operators –
    Practical (Hands-On) Training and Evaluation

    • A work area risk assessment of the location of the Practical (Hands-On) training is required.
    • Sufficient time for the trainee to operate the MEWP to demonstrate appropriate knowledge and proficiency to a qualified trainer is required.
    • Practical (Hands-On) training shall include:
      • Prior, prerequisite, completion of Fall Prevention training (Reporter Course OS302);
      • Prior, prerequisite, completion of MEWP Theory & General Hazard Awareness training;
      • Walk around and familiarization with the MEWP;
      • Major components – identification and function;
      • Review of equipment specific operator’s manual;
      • Purpose of placards and decals
      • Operator warnings and instructions
      • Perform pre-start inspection – carry out daily checks and inspections, inspecting structural components, operating mechanisms, hydraulic and electrical systems, and safety devices;
      • Conducting a pre-start work area risk assessment of the location the MEWP is to be used, including planning the route of travel and worksite inspection;
        • Working near power lines and electrical hazards
        • Recognizing and mitigating hazards above, below, and beside the MEWP; examples include but are not limited to: overhead obstructions, electrical hazards (power lines and energized conductors), other moving equipment and vehicles, ground conditions (inadequate support, debris, drop-offs, holes, slopes, unstable subsurface, etc.), overloading, wind and weather, fall hazards, tip-over hazards, and machine transport.
        • Control function tests (lower/emergency/upper controls)
      • Setting the MEWP for work (if applicable);
      • Operation and function of all controls – completing course tasks;
      • Parking and securing the MEWP.
  • Conditionally Authorized Operators/Trainees: Gaining the skill to operate specific MEWP equipment requires a varied amount of time for each operator. Employees with limited experience operating the specific MEWP may operate the lift under the direct supervision of a qualified operator to gain the skills for safe operation.
    • Conditionally Authorized Operators/Trainees are required to complete Fall Prevention – Reporter Course OS302 and MEWP Theory & General Hazard Awareness – Part 1, (classroom or online) before entering an MEWP.
    • Conditionally Authorized Operators/Trainees are not considered qualified operators until completing Part 2 – Practical (Hands-On) Training and Evaluation.
    • Within 1 year of completing Part 1 training, Conditionally Authorized Operators/Trainees must:
      • be given sufficient time and supervised practice opportunities to familiarize themselves with the MEWP operations under various conditions and situations relevant to their anticipated work practices
      • be able to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency to a qualified trainer or evaluator
      • complete a practical hands-on evaluation conducted by a qualified trainer or evaluator
      • An NC State Qualified Evaluator may use the MEWP Practical Evaluation Guidelines Appendix and the MEWP Practical Evaluation Template Appendix
  • Training for Platform Occupants
    • Platform occupants are required to complete
    • The operator must provide instruction or otherwise ensure occupant(s) understand the requirements for working safely on the MEWP.
      • the requirement to use fall protection and the location of fall protection anchors;
      • factors including how their actions could affect stability;
      • safe use of MEWP accessories they are assigned to use;
      • site-specific work procedures the occupants must follow related to MEWP operation;
      • hazards of the task and their avoidance, to include any applicable site risk assessment;
      • general knowledge of the intended purpose and function of MEWP controls and safety-related items specified by the manufacturer, including emergency shut-down and lowering procedures, to the extent required to lower the MEWP safely, and
      • manufacturer’s warnings and instructions.
    • Platform occupants must follow the operator’s instructions.
  • Training Documentation – Documentation must be maintained for all MEWP training elements and shall indicate the date, and the types, classifications, or make and model of MEWP the operator is qualified to operate. An NC State Qualified Evaluator may use the MEWP Practical Evaluation Guidelines Appendix and the MEWP Practical Evaluation Template Appendix
  • Refresher Training
    • The operator must receive refresher training on
      • MEWP Theory & General Hazard Awareness Training – Part 1, (classroom or online) and
      • Practical (Hands-On) Training and Evaluation, Part 2,
    • Upon expiration of the operator’s valid operating period, as follows:
      • Maximum 3 years, if there no period longer than 1 year when the operator does not operate an MEWP.
      • Before next use, if there is any period longer than 1 year with no MEWP operation
    • At the discretion of the Supervisor and Qualified Person, Refresher training may be:
      • Conducted by a university Qualified Person or an outside qualified trainer, and be
      • Focused on the particular operation of the specific MEWP(s), operator qualifications, or expected operating conditions, or be
  • Retraining
    • The operator must be retrained through a Practical (Hands-On) Training and Evaluation, at a minimum, when:
      • Observation of the operator indicates a deterioration in operator performance proficiency.
      • Observation of the operator indicates operation in an unsafe manner
      • An operator is involved in an incident with the MEWP.
      • Significantly different MEWP technology or a different type or class of MEWP is introduced.
      • Conditions in the workplace change that could affect the safe operation of the MEWP.
    • If an unsafe act involving fall prevention is observed, the operator must be retrained on Fall Prevention.