Unsealed radiation sources potentially present a radiation hazard both in terms of a direct external exposure and the possibility of causing radioactive contamination during opening and handling the material. State and federal regulations require Radiation Safety to verify each PI’s unsealed source inventory during routine lab safety inspections. The use and disposal of these unsealed sources by lab personnel requires documentation on the Log-of-Use Form accompanying each stock vial received by the lab. Proper lab security measures are also mandatory due to the small size of stock containers and mobility of many unsealed sources.
Radiation Safety Manual – pg 18-26
Principal Investigators are responsible for contacting NCSU Radiation Safety in advance of the situations listed below:
Purchasing Unsealed Sources
When an unsealed source is to be purchased it must be processed through Radiation Safety by logging into the Environmental Health Assistant site available at Ordering Isotopes.
Accepting Donated Unsealed Sources
When an unsealed source is to be donated to NC State by any outside institution, agency or individual Radiation Safety must be notified before the material is transferred to the NC STATE campus.
Re-Location of Unsealed Sources
When an unsealed source currently at NC State is to be moved from its location either within the same department or to another department or building, Radiation Safety must be notified prior to relocation or transfer of ownership (e.g., from one PI to another PI). A new Log-of-Use must be generated by Radiation Safety to allow the use of an unsealed source by another PI who must be approved for that particular radioisotope
Disposal of Unsealed Sources
Unused unsealed sources may be presented for disposal as waste material by entering a description into the NCSU EHSA on-line system.