Electron microscopes generally present a minimal radiation exposure hazard, but State of NC Radiation Protection Section regulations require these instruments be officially registered and labeled as radiation-producing equipment. Modifications and repairs that involve the disassembly of the shielding require that the instrument be surveyed by NCSU Radiation Safety staff to check for possible x-ray radiation leakage. Radiation surveys must also be performed for any newly installed or relocated electron microscope.
Principal Investigators are responsible for contacting the NCSU Radiation Safety staff in advance whenever any of the situations listed below apply:
Purchasing Electron Microscopes
When an electron microscope is being purchased thru the NCSU Purchasing Division or another agency it must be registered thru NCSU Radiation Safety. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to notify Radiation Safety upon acquisition of any new equipment before it is put into service.
Accepting Donated Electron Microscopes
When an electron microscope is to be donated to NCSU by any outside institution, agency or individual it must be registered thru NCSU Radiation Safety. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to notify Radiation Safety upon the decision to accept any proferred donation of an electron microscope before it is put into service.
Re-Location of Electron Microscopes
When an electron microscope currently at NCSU is to be moved from its location either within the same department or to another department or building, the Radiation Safety Division must be notified prior to relocation, surplus, disposal, or transfer of ownership of the electron microscope. Relocation includes moving an electron microscope to a different room within the same building.
Modifications or Repairs of Electron Microscopes
When repairs or modifications are being performed on the electron microscope, the Radiation Safety Division must be notified before the instrument is re-energized. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to notify Radiation Safety upon acquisition of any new equipment before it is put into service.