Aerial and Scissor Lift Safety Awareness – EHPS-OS411 -REQUIRED– is a 30-minute online awareness level training course for occupants of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs). It describes various types of lifts, their capabilities and limitations, and hazards associated with use.
It is RECOMMENDED as an introductory prerequisite for lift operators and their supervisors. It is REQUIRED for those who ride in elevated lifts operated by others.
Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) Operator Training – EHPS-OS604 – This course consists of two parts:
Part 1 is a lecture course covering hazard recognition and awareness, work area risk assessments, safe use and rescue planning, MEWP components, features, characteristics, MEWP inspection and maintenance, and other topics.
Part 2 is a hands-on session covering familiarization with the MEWP, identification of major components, controls, labels and placards, conducting pre-start inspection and pre-start risk assessment, and other topics.
Operators must have completed training on Fall Prevention – EHPS-OS302, before starting Part 2 of the MEWP Operator & Qualified Person Training.
Fall Prevention – EHPS-OS302 -REQUIRED– This is an instructor-led course on fall hazard recognition, fall prevention, and fall protection. This course is required for anyone exposed to a fall hazard greater than four feet, uses a Mobile Elevated Work Platform or ladder safety system, or who is required to wear personal protective equipment for fall hazards.
Ladder Safety Awareness – EHPS-OS408 -REQUIRED– is a 20-minute online training course for ladder users. It describes various types of ladders and the requirements for their use. It also addresses common ladder hazards and provides guidance on inspections and use.
Scaffold Safety – EHPS-OS414 -RECOMMENDED– is a 40-minute online training course for scaffold users and provides guidance on identifying various types of scaffolds and associated hazards. It describes requirements for those who erect and dismantle scaffolds. And it teaches the user how to recognize elements of proper scaffold design, construction, and assembly. This course is recommended for those who use scaffolding erected by others.
This course does not teach you how to erect or dismantle scaffolds. It does not qualify the trainee as a competent person.
Slips, Trips, and Falls – EHPS-OS300 -RECOMMENDED– is a 15-minute online training course that provides a general awareness of recognizing and correcting slip, trip, and fall hazards. The course discusses safety requirements for stairs, catwalks, and other elevated walking and working surfaces and offers guidance for recognizing behaviors that could lead to falls. This course is recommended for all university employees and students.