Training | Description | Categories | Contact |
15 Passenger Van Safety -EHPS-GS100 | This online course offers an overview to safe driving of 15 passenger vans. | General | 919-515-6655 |
Analytical X-ray Safety - EHPS-RS200 | This course is intended for radiation workers handling x-ray producing devices, excluding diagnostic x-ray. Topics covered include: Fundamentals of Radiation, Units, Biological Effects, ALARA, Dosimetry, Dose Limits, and Forms, | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 |
Animal Contact Awareness Training | The purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Program for Personnel with Animal Contact is to minimize the health and safety risk of working with vertebrate animals. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Asbestos Awareness - EHPS-OH300 | Custodial and maintenance employees must receive Asbestos Awareness training within 90 days of their employment start date and annually thereafter. This online training takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Autoclave Use and Safety Awareness - EHPS-BS300 | This training reviews the health and safety guidelines associated with the safe use of University owned autoclaves and their use for decontaminating biohazardous waste. | Biological Safety | 919-515-6858 |
Back Safety and Injury Prevention - EHPS-OS301 | This course reviews information on proper lifting and prevention of back problems. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness Training Refresher - EHPS-BS100-100 | To help satisfy requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, training modules have been developed to help supervisors supplement information covered in a workers Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan. This Refresher training module is listed by work environment and covers general universal precautions as well as the causes of bloodborne diseases, proper personal protective equipment, and the regulatory basis for a bloodborne pathogens program. | Biological Safety | 919-515-6858 |
Chemical Hygiene Plan Training - EHPS-LS104 | All NC State University personnel who work with or around hazardous chemicals and equipment in research laboratories need to review the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP). This document, along with your safety plan, cover CHP elements required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450 | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Compressed Gas Safety - EHPS-LS200 | University personnel and students who work with compressed gas cylinders should view this short video which covers safe regulator installation on a compressed gas cylinder of non-toxic gas, required personal protective equipment, safe work practices and leak testing. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Controlled Substances | NC State University Controlled substances Program is a support document and can be reviewed for better understanding of the state and federal compliance requirements. | Emergency Management & Mission Continuity | 919-515-2895 |
Cryogenics Safety Training - EHPS-LS300 | All NC State University personnel and students who work with cryogenic liquids such as liquid nitrogen should take this training to understand the hazards of these materials and how to use them safely. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Cryogenics Safety Training - EHPS-LS300 | All NC State University personnel and students who work with cryogenic liquids such as liquid nitrogen should take this training to understand the hazards of these materials and how to use them safely. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Diagnostic X-ray Safety - EHPS-RS700 | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 | |
Diving Safety | Diving at NC State is prohibited unless the requirements listing in the Diving Safety Section of the EHS Webpage are met. Note: Advance planning is necessary for those intending to dive as a number of these requirements have a substantial lead time. You will need to contact the NC State Diving Safety Officer as soon as possible to establish a training plan. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
EHPS-O106 Conducting An Effective PPE Hazard Assessment | The training is designed to cover how to conduct an effective PPE Hazard Assessment. The course will cover what and when is a PPE hazard assessment required. How to conduct a PPE Hazard assessment, PPE selection guidelines and roles and responsibilities will also be covered. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Electrical Safety Fundamentals - EHPS-OS400 | This course is designed to give employees basic information on electrical safety such as how electricity works, the primary hazards of electrical safety. Control measures and safety-related work practices to minimize the risk are discussed. General electrical safe work practices and proper response to electrical emergencies are also covered. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Engineered Nanomaterials Awareness | Engineered nanomaterials are any material which has structured components with at least one dimension less than 100 nanometer, including carbon containing materials and other materials of differing elemental composition. These materials may be part of a liquid suspension or may be individual particles or fibers. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Excavation, Trenching and Shoring Safety - EHPS-OS406 | This course will cover safety requirements when setting up an excavation site. Identification of hazards as it relates to excavation, trenching, and shoring sites and the identification of precautions, protective measure and the type of support systems used are reviewed. The cave in protection requirements and proper procedures will be emphasized in this course. This course will not qualify the participant as a competent person for excavation, trenching and shoring. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Fall Prevention - EHPS-OS302 | This course is designed to teach the basic guidelines and methods of fall protection safety. The course will review fall hazards, fall hazard evaluation and fall hazard controls. Hands on training on fall protection equipment will be covered in the course. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Filtering Facepiece Respiratory Protection Training – EHPS-OH102 | This respiratory protection training is intended for individuals who only wear filtering facepiece (i.e. N-95, disposable) respirators for work or research at NCSU. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-515-6862 |
Fire Extinguisher Awareness - EHPS-FM100 | This course will help the participant to identify fire and extinguisher basics. Evaluation of conditions to determine whether to evacuate or fight a fire are discussed. The participant will learn techniques to extinguish a fire. | Fire & Life Safety | 919-515-2568 |
First Aid/ CPR/AED Training - EHPS-FM300 | This course covers basic first aid practices when encountering common illnesses and injuries, such as cuts, minor burns, seizures, choking or allergic reactions. Additionally, the course provides an overview of how to perform bystander CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator, when one is available. After the presentation, the participants will practice bystander CPR and learn to operate an AED on a manikin. Although this course is not for certification, it provides an overview for anyone who is interested in having basic knowledge. The instructors will come to your location, upon request. | Fire & Life Safety | 919-515-2568 |
Forklift Safety Fundamentals - EHPS-OS500 | Forklift safety training is a series of modules that cover safety fundamentals, stability and capability, load handling, safe driving practices, and inspections and maintenance. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Formaldehyde Safety Training - EHPS-LS400 | This course is designed to meet the minimum training requirements for the OSHA Formaldehyde Standard, 1910.1048 and provide safety and health information associated with the use of formaldehyde. This training is required for those working in areas where formaldehyde is used above the research lab scale, including anatomy, necropsy, pathology, and histology labs. This training is recommended for all other research labs using formaldehyde in small/lab scale. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Hand and Power Tool Safety - EHPS-OS412 | This training is intended to help minimize the amount of accidents occurring with powered tools, and to reduce the severity of outcome with an incident. The information complies with OSHA 1910.241-247 standard. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Hazard Assessment Process Training | Understand the processes involved with operating hazards | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Hazard Communication For Non-Laboratories - EHPS-OS600 | This training covers OSHAs Hazard Communication requirements, which are based on the United Nations Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classifying and labeling chemical products. This training is intended to give a basic understanding of the hazards presented by chemical products, where to find safety information about the chemicals you use, how to recognize if you are being exposed to a chemical hazard, and basic information about how to protect yourself from chemical exposures. | Environmental Health, Haz. Materials and Stormwater | 919-515-6859 |
Hearing Conservation Awareness Training - EHPS-OH200 | Occupational Noise Exposure Standard, 1910.95. A key element of the HCP is annual training on hearing conservation. The training program includes effects of noise on hearing; the purpose of hearing protectors, and instruction on their selection, fitting, use, and care; and the purpose and explanation of audiometric testing. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Hot Work Program | The Hot Work Program is designed to minimize or eliminate fire hazards associated with any hot work operation as identified in the North Carolina State Fire Code, OSHA 1910.252, NFPA 51B, NFPA 1962 and NC State University Department of Environmental Health and Safety/ Fire Marshals Office Guidelines. | Fire & Life Safety | 919-515-2568 |
Introduction to Safety and Emergency Awareness | This presentation is an Introduction to safety practices and emergency awareness on NC State campus. | General | 919-515-6655 |
Laboratory Biological Safety Training - EHPS-BS201 | This training is designed to provide a foundation of understanding for work with microorganisms or biological materials that contain microorganisms in the clinical, research, and/or teaching setting at NC State. It is required for those who use (or supervise a laboratory that uses) recombinant DNA molecules at BSL-1 or BSL-2 containment or any work requiring BSL-2 containment. This course is a general overview of biosafety at NC State to help participants to understand what materials and/or research might trigger Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approval and to handle materials and/or research that do not. | Biological Safety | 919-515-6858 |
Laboratory Chemical Waste Management Training - EHPS-HW101 | Any personnel that work in a laboratory are required to complete this training module to be in compliance with Federal and State regulations. | Environmental Health, Haz. Materials and Stormwater | 919-515-6859 |
EHPS-HW104 - Laboratory Chemical Waste Management Training | The training module details the requirements for labeling of waste containers, waste container management, and obsolete chemical management. Wastes that do not require EHS waste training include non-hazardous recyclables such as scrap metal, paper, plastic, and cardboard, food wastes (other than dietary supplements and oils), and natural plant materials. | Environmental Health, Haz. Materials | 919-515-6859 |
Ladder Safety - EHPS-OS408 | This course is designed for any employee that may use a ladder in the course of their work assignment. Ladders are used in many jobs for cleaning, painting, changing light bulbs, accessing storage areas, reaching platforms, and more. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Laser Safety - EHPS-LS100 | Laser Safety Training is required for any person (Faculty, Staff, volunteers, Graduate and undergraduate students) who will work in a facility that has an operating Class 3b or Class 4 laser or work directly with Class 3b or Class 4 lasers. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Lead Paint Awareness - EHPS-OH400 | This course provides guidance on the management of surfaces on campus that may contain lead, and ensure compliance with OSHAs Lead regulations. This course is not intent for those who may disturbance or abatement of lead. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Lock Out/Tag Out Safety - EHPS-OS401 | Any employee that performs servicing on equipment is required to follow the Lock Out/ Tag Out Safety Program. This course will covers the following aspects of Lock Out Tag Out. Recognition and the purpose of lock and tag procedures and the roles and responsibilities for the worker will be discussed. Participants will be able to identify sources of energy hazards and consequences of improper control. Different types of lock and tag devices and procedures steps for installation and removal of locks will be discussed. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Machine Guarding Fundamentals - EHPS-OS405 | This course provides training associated with machine guarding. This course will define mechanical hazards associated with machine use. The requirements for protecting workers from mechanical hazards as well as the methods for machine guarding specific machines are covered. Employee responsibilities when working around guarded machinery including PPE use is covered in this training | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Non-Laboratory Hazardous Waste Management Training - EHPS-HW102 | University faculty and staff whose activity in a non-laboratory setting may result in the need to dispose or recycle any chemical, pharmaceutical, oils or fuel, fertilizer or soil amendments, equipment containing such material, or debris contaminated by such material are required to take this training module. | Environmental Health, Haz. Materials and Stormwater | 919-515-6859 |
Nuclear Gauge Training - EHPS-RS400 | This training is intended to familiarize researchers with requirements and considerations in the use of soil moisture/density gauges and other portable gauges. Training is required before using the devices and is to be accompanied by proper shipping/transportation training. Refresher training is required every four years. | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 |
Office Ergonomics Information - EHPS-OS200 | This course covers office ergonomics. The causes of ergonomic issues in the office environment are discussed which included prevention. After completion of this course the participants will be able to recognize common types of cumulative trauma disorders, match warning signs with solutions and actions. Best ergonomic practices are discussed. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
OSHA Confined Space Safety Fundamentals - EHPS-OS402 | This course is designed to provide basic knowlege of confined spaces. Participants will learn the characteristics and examples of confined spaces. Hazards of confined spaces and the differences between permit-required and non-permit required confined spaces are addressed. Participants will be able to recognize the basic requirement of a permit -required confined space program. Completion of this course does not quality the employee for entry into a confined space. Face-To-Face Training is required. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
OSHA Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety - EHPS-OS409 | This course is designed to provide the participant information as is relates to overhead and gantry cranes. Safety devices, required steps for inspecting the crane pre and post operation will be covered. Participants will be able to identify proper load rigging and the required procedures for lifting and moving loads. Safety practices for unattended equipment, working around other personnel and disconnecting power to the equipment will be discussed. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Permit Required Confined Space Entry - EHPS-OS403 | This course will cover characteristics and examples of confined space. Hazards and the difference between permit-required and non-permit required confined spaces. Roles and responsibilities of all personnel who work in or attend permit spaces are also covered. Participants will learn rescue resources and how to plan for emergencies. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Personal Protective Equipment Fundamentals - EHPS-OS100 | This course is designed to give a overview of Personal Protective Equipment PPE. The value of PPE will be discussed. Participants will be able to identify common workplace hazards, basic characteristics of PPE. General worker and employer responsibilities regarding PPE will also be covered. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Pesticide Safety Education | NC States Pesticide Safety Education Program offers training(Pesticide Schools) and develops of training materials and manuals. See: Do You Need a Pesticide License or Certificate? | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-513-0988 |
Principal Investigator Safety Training | Managers and supervisors are responsible for being knowledgeable of and implementing applicable policies and directives and taking other action, as required, to assure that personnel and operations they supervise comply with applicable requirements. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Radioactive Material Use Safety - EHPS-RS100 | The Radiological Material Use course is intended for new users who will be working with radioactive materials in the laboratory. Topics covered include: Fundamentals of Radiation, Units, Biological Effects, ALARA, Dosimetry, Dose Limits, Waste Procedures, Forms, Required Postings and Emergency Procedures. | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 |
Respirator Training - EHPS-OH100 | This training is intended for individuals who wear respiratory protection for work or research. This training is a fundamentals level of information. Medical clearance and hands on training with fit testing are also required before wearing respiratory protection equipment. | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-515-6862 |
Annual refresher training for Respirator use EHPS-OH101 | Annual Refresher training for Respirator Use | Occupational Health and Safety | 919-515-6862 |
Risk and Hazard Assessment Training | Informational training material on Risk and hazard assessment - Non credit | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1422 |
Shipping of Biological Materials - IATA Compliance - EHPS-HS200 | The purpose of this training is to provide information for compliance with shipping specific biological materials, in accordance with DOT and IATA regulations. This training is required for anyone involved in the packaging, handling, documenting, or transporting of biological dangerous goods. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Shipping of Hazardous Materials - IATA Compliance - EHPS-HS100 | The purpose of this training is to provide information for compliance with shipping specific hazardous materials, in accordance with DOT and IATA regulations. This training is required for anyone involved in the packaging, handling, documenting, and transporting of hazardous materials and dangerous goods. | Laboratory Safety | 919-513-1282 |
Silica Hazard Awareness-EHPS-OH500 | The course addresses the hazards associated with the exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) which can occur when working with concrete, bricks/blocks, drywall, and other silica containing materials. This course is part of NCSU's Silica Control Plan to aid in compliance with OSHA's RCS standards (29 CFR 1926.1153 and 1910.1053). | Laboratory Safety | 919-515-6862 |
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) - EHPS-HW300 | University faculty and staff whose activities may include owning or operating a non-transportation related onshore or offshore facility that drill, produce, gather, store, process, refine, transfer, distribute, use, or consume oil and oil products is required to complete this training. | Environmental Health, Haz. Materials and Stormwater | 919-515-6859 |
Stop the Bleed EHPS-FM350 | Bleeding Control Basics seeks to educate the public how to control bleeding in an injured patient until first responders arrive. | Fire & Life Safety | 919-515-2568 |
Veterinary Clinician Radiation Safety - EHPS-RS500 | This course is intended for veterinarians at CVM who are involved in operating, ordering, or overseeing the use of radiographic or fluoroscopic equipment or who order or oversee the care of animals receiving nuclear medicine studies. The course is intended to refresh fundamental concepts and review policies and safety procedures specific to X-ray and radiopharmaceutical use at NC State University. | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 |
Veterinary Student Radiation Safety Training - EHPS-RS501 | Radiation Safety | 919-515-2894 | |
WolfAlert | This video reviews the communication components of WOLFALERT emergency communication systems. | Emergency Management & Mission Continuity | 919-515-2895 |
Workplace Safety during COVID-19 at NC State | Environmental Health and Safety has developed a comprehensive training session, Working Safely at NC State during COVID-19, comprised of safety procedures and protocols to be followed when on campus. NC State employees are asked to fulfill all components of the online training which will require approximately one hour to complete. | General | 919-515-2894 |