Sealed radiation sources potentially present a radiation hazard both in terms of a direct external exposure and the possibility of developing a leak causing radioactive contamination. State of NC Radiation Protection Section regulations require the NCSU Radiation Safety Division staff to inventory and leak test these sources on 6-month intervals (except for those sealed sources that have exempt status). Any re-locations of these sources require notification to the Radiation Safety Division by the responsible Principal Investigator. Proper security measures are mandatory due to the mobility of many sealed sources such as moisture or soil density gauges.
Refer to the Radiation Safety Manual for all aspects of sealed source use (RSM Section 11 pp. 53-54 – Sealed Sources of Radioactive Material).
Principal Investigators are responsible for contacting the NCSU Radiation Safety Division in advance of the situations listed below:
Purchasing Sealed Sources
When a sealed source is to be purchased thru the NCSU Purchasing Division or another agency it must be handled thru the NCSU Radiation Safety Division.
Accepting Donated Sealed Sources
When a sealed source is to be donated to NCSU by any outside institution, agency or individual it must be handled thru the NCSU Radiation Safety Division.
Re-Location of Sealed Sources
When a sealed source currently at NCSU is to be moved from its location either within the same department or to another department or building, the Radiation Safety Division must be notified prior to relocation or transfer of ownership (e.g., from one PI to another PI). Relocation also includes moving a sealed source to a different room within the same building for the same PI or another PI.
Surplus or Disposal of Sealed Sources
Contact the Radiation Safety Division about possible disposal options.